Collage by DevotionMotion


3 7
hi! I came across this and I'm very aware that you mean well but I think you're confused. Jesus loves all of his children (as it says in the Bible.) therefore, there are many passages in the Bible where it states that you must love everyone above all else. Love your neighbor as you would love yourself DOES include gay people. If you still don't believe me, in Matthews 8:5-13, Jesus affirmed a gay couple. In Matthews 19:10-12 Jesus said that some people are simply born gay. The church welcomed a gay man in Acts 8:26-40, and Jesus never condemns homosexuality, but Paul does. I'm aware that your intentions are well, but you should probably do some research before you make your opinion around one bible verse <3 It's also worth mentioning that there were two good Christian gay couples in the Bible. Jesus died so all we have to do to get into heaven is believe in him, so if you say that being gay is a sin, you're saying that Jesus dying on the cross isn't enough for you.