Lu: Her voice is kinda staticky...


Lu: Her voice is kinda staticky...

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I-I have no idea!
oh no...
For what..?
It's okay, I can always hear her voice in my head. Sometimes I think she's calling me, and I ask my brother, sister, an my mom if they're calling me (because I have bad hearing) and they all said no.. So that little voice in the distance was always her, when I've mistaken someone for calling my name.
Heh, I know. I always here someone's voice when I'm alone in my room, I literally rush downstairs to my family to ask if they were calling me. They say no most of the time, because they didn't really call me. EVEN when I'm listening to music, in between I can hear a voice.
Not from the song I'm listening to, but the sound of a voice calling me. I take off my earphones to wait for that voice to call me another time, and it turns out it didn't.
I should keep that in mind. Sometimes I do reply loudly, sometimes I don't. I should think more often.
I promise I won't.
I have.. Probably..
Probably this quote she was trying to tell me..? Sorry I'm dumb af. You're better off talking to someone better than this boring old baka.
*sighs, smirking* It's because I put myself down a lot, isn't it? Well, slap me if you'd like. I put myself down everyday.
I don't really think I have a family in the first place, and second, I'm never proud of myself. Got that?
I'm proud of something I've done at first, then later on I put myself down, like always. *sighs* There's nothing to be proud of. Not even myself. I have a family, but I barely show love to them..
I still love them of course. It'll be stupid if I didn't. If I didn't love them, I wouldn't even be in my family.
I'm proud of some of them, not really most of them.
Does that make you happy? If it doesn't I can leave because I'm pxssxng you off, especially Lee. She probably doesn't wanna talk to me anymore.
Fine, I'll listen..
I'll keep chatting with you, cause I wanna, but I'm not really humorous. I'm surpsed I am to you, because I'm actually a lame old otaku.
Oh look..! I insulted myself!~