I love this collage! Even though I get sunburnt being a redhead, I love the natural light of the sun!


I love this collage! Even though I get sunburnt being a redhead, I love the natural light of the sun!

43 0
Yesterday I was outside all day and now I'm really tan 😂 I love being outside 🌞 ☁☀
awesome! can’t wait!
none of the other collages followed the guidelines very well
please help me to choose my icon
hey! so sorry I haven’t talked to ya for a while BUT... I was wondering if you would MAYBE..... wanna collab?
ofcourse I would!
why did you say the for??
LY so much!
so do you want to do it now? if so, would you like to do the background and quote? or text. Let me know😉
ok thank you so much!
Red heads rule! (even though I’m not one)
lol thanks😂