Suggest improvements and ideas for this account in the comments!❤️👌


Suggest improvements and ideas for this account in the comments!❤️👌

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Sorry for low quality, my phone's dying. Think we should change the format of this account? Provide more structure, or less? Tell me what you think!❤️
I think that to have this account become more successful, the posts might have to be more cut and dry. A question that people can relate to and easily give their individual input in. But mainly, I think this account is undiscovered.
Thanks, that's a great thought! I've been playing with the idea of working in short (1 or 2 paragraph) segments rather than lengthy collages, providing numerous perspectives toward one main idea and operating something like PC magazines. That would require a lot more regulating than I'd like to perform. I like the freedom of everyone having as much space as they'd like to, and always getting to discuss whatever they've decided. Order is necessary to cut the fat.