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We're online!

22 11
how it going
good u?💕
not to good I just I just I can't say I'm so sorry
what's wrong? (it's Freya btw💕)
I'm just struggling right now
*sighs* what's happening✨ You can tell me idm❤️
well I don't have a dad so today my dad started texting me and idk jaw he got my number so he nothing to me and he told me he wants to be apart of my life and I told him no cause when my mom was gi birth to me he was cheating on my mom
oh wow.💜
and I'm just gonna kill my self and everything will be over for me
don't. please😭
idk I'm sorry idek tho
*cries* I don't want to let u die💕❤️
I guess I'll stay cause I love you okay and I don't wanna hurt you
school rp account on my page💙☺️