i am so worried for next year aghhh i’m just going to rant in the comments hehe you don’t have to read it


i am so worried for next year aghhh i’m just going to rant in the comments hehe you don’t have to read it

16 1
i’m here before youuu and ill read it
so there are these 6-7 year old kids on my bus and i ride on a kind of small bus so they’ve seen me and they like to talk to one of the eighth graders on my bus and play games with her and they are always sad whenever she’s not on the bus
so my school has this thing where eighth graders are paired with first graders for school events and stuff so that they don’t get worried and stuff so i think these kids are going to want to pair with me because they know of me (also - one of them is paired with the eighth grader that is on my bus) and im really scared of little kids (why? i have no clue - i just get really nervous around them) so considering that these kids are desperate for attention they’ll probably want to play with me on the bus and the bus is usually my place to relax and listen to music but next year i feel like i’m going to get pulled into talking to them and im just so anxious i’m so sorry this is the most unimportant thing EVER i’m just nervous
sorry this is lame you guys don’t have to reply if you don’t want to i just needed to get this off my chest
oof no I get it. I’m terrible around kids, never know how to handle myself. I hope everything works out next year ✌🏼