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You quoted me? 😂 tf dude
Hey :) I’m Paige
thanks ❤️ no one has ever told me that 😂 Plus, yours is waaaay better :)
*smiles* well I think it’s very cute ☺️ hru?
I’m good haha I’m a little tired but good :) do you want a chat page?
okay, do you have a favorite emoji or something that I can use on it? :)
aw cute okay I’ll post is right now!
no prob love :)
omg *blushes hard* thanks :)
he talks about me?? 😅💕
oh my gosh *laughs and blushes* that’s so cute ☺️ I bet you are adorable tooooo
*raises my eyebrows* u sure about that? *smiles*
sooo, hru? :)
it’s okay haha ☺️ well.. Delilah and I had a fight..
it’s okay, it was a long one and I was scared that we were going to lose our friendship but I think we are better now ❤️ *hugs you and then pulls away and blushes* o-oh sorry I didn’t ask if that was okay 😅
oh *laughs a bit and hugs you* have “fun” ttyl ☺️
lol that’s good mine is on the charger rn 😂
*smiles up at you and ties your hoodie strings into a bow* for good luck *laughs* that made no sense, don’t mind me 😂
How’s the homework goin’ :)
I like how u try and act like me 😂