I will be having another Q&A soon, so ask your questions and I will answer them! Love you!


I will be having another Q&A soon, so ask your questions and I will answer them! Love you!

529 32
second like woo hoo! haha
How famous do you want to be? Like, Taylor Swift famous? or Thomas Rhett famous?
who is your fav youtuber? Zoella or sprinkleofglitter
if you could go anywhere in the world where would you want to go?
this is kinda random but have you read and/or seen the Harry Potter movies? and also, will you be releasing any new songs?
have fun in your trip 😆👏🏼👍🏼🇨🇦
my question is what is your favourite you tuber and viner ? THANKS 👍🏼
sorry I meant who is your favourite you tuber and viner and why do you like pic collage so much ?!
sorry I meant to say thank you for following me Chloe !
how do I make stickers🐯🐧⭐️
how do i make stickers
hey Chloe Caroline! Ilysm would you maybe follow you are amazing and your voice is amazing☺️✨
Hey Chloe Caroline! 😱✨ I Followed You! Please Follow Me Back, I Would Appreciate It SO Much! You're Amazing! Thanks!! ilysm! 😂😭😇💕
hi Chloe I love your music!! when I've had a bad day I always put your music on and it cheers me up💓 thank you for having an amazing talent like that not just the amazing voice, but the way you cheer people up its amazing👑✨ your amazing Chloe. your beautiful inside and out💕💦 I love you Chloe👌🏻🌸 ~FOREVER-KITTENS
hi beautiful girl! I love you so much and appreciate having a fan as genuine and kind as you! thank you for believing in my music and spreading the word. it makes me smile so big knowing that it's making a difference in your life. thank you for being awesome xoxox
Your so nice!!💓💦 I'm glad I made you smile🌺 you have true pure talent and you have a good heart💖 your one of my idols and I can't believe you followed me!! you just made a girl really really happy!!!! thank you for making me happy and for being such an inspiration✨💦 you amazing Chloe never forget that or doubt your self or let anyone tell you your perfect because you truly are a perfect human being💕💦 thank you so much🎀
I meant let anyone tell you your not perfect😂😁
congrats!!! u have been nominated for a account award! go on the 3baes account for updates!
that's so lovely for you to have time with your family 🌸
please follow me!
Hey I have one question 'When Did You Start Piccollage'
Are you a John Lennon or Beatles fan (or both😊).
what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you? 😍😜
Who is your favorite singer? ☺️
what is your songwriting process like?thx
What Fashion Icons inspired you? Follow Me <33 -xoFloralxo
contest on my page💖 i think you'll like it😘
love your collges
what made you get into songwriting I love your videos 💖
I love your music if you followed me it would make my year!!!
where in Canada
what is your go to look
where is it in Canada