Anyone else a Hufflepuff? I hate the Hufflepuff stereotypes so much! We aren't weak! We are strong, brave, loyal, and yes, and bit weird😏 I am starting the hashtag, #hufflepuffstrongandloyal!!!


💛click💛 Anyone else a Hufflepuff? I hate the Hufflepuff stereotypes so much! We aren't weak! We are strong, brave, loyal, and yes, and bit weird😏 I am starting the hashtag, #hufflepuffstrongandloyal!!!

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I'm hufflepuff too!
I'm a hufflepuff!
I'm a Hufflepuff! and proud to be one😘
why did she have to die?
ik! I loved her so much😫😫😫 I am cosplaying as her for a school event on the 14 of June! so excited!!!!