Collage by _Epiphany_


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Hi, sorry if this was rude but I noticed someone calling you Tacy?💞
Oh ok😊
Have you had any other accounts? I know an account and her name was Tacy but I’m pretty sure she was lying...❤️
Oh ok, have you had the account KpopLuvr?🧐
Oh ok, then I wonder who that was...
Well, even if it wasn’t you doesn’t mean we can’t be friends~💞
Oh uhm, they were pretending to be you ig...😕
They claimed they we’re Kpopforlifeu and JiminiesJams...
Of course- awesome! I like you already- I hope we can be great friends.❤️
Excuse my use of emojis.😅
Thank you! I’ll be on later- I gotta do some “homework” and plan some school events.❤️
cute~~~~ 💕