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Comment or remix to chat.

29 19
hi what's up?
nothing. how bout u?
really bored.
my name is Mia
my friend posted that remix above sry
I love both of ur names
mines kinda boring. and plus nobody ever has the name Lexi 😜lol
thanks. I like ur name too! 💕
oh that's weird. I wonder why?
finally! it works now. I guess it was just a glitch 🙄
did it work?
ur beautiful! luv the pic ❤️💕💖💕❤️😊
hey what's up!
I live in Washington!
is it cold right now?
late 60s here which is warm. so far it's like the perfect spring 👌🏼 yea!
that's awesome! here it'll be rainy and cold all week long
yuck... that sucks sry! ☂💧💦☔️🌫🌨🌬💨
I'm 12 but I'll be 13 soon
do u have a pet?
yeah but ur gonna b a little surprised their not exactly ur usual pets
ur cat is so cute! I love kitties but my dad hates them and is allergic. ☹️😔😥😪😢😓
ur pets are so cool! I wish I had a horse!
Heyyy!💕💕 what's up?
I'm deleting my account so bye!!
Thx! I love my horse. can't ride it tho she's kinda old but yeah we still have fun together.
omg no why Mia! don't! tell me why first! 😱😱😱😱😢😮💧😥💦😪😓