school is over in less than 3 weeks and i can’t wait to get out of there🎉 i just want to have one day where i don’t have to worry about a project that’s due or an exam to study for 📒QOTD: your last day of school?🗓


school is over in less than 3 weeks and i can’t wait to get out of there🎉 i just want to have one day where i don’t have to worry about a project that’s due or an exam to study for 📒QOTD: your last day of school?🗓

26 0
2 more weeks left for me.
I have four more days next week
my last day of school was yesterday
his song was very relaxing
June 7th
the sad thing is is that this is true with some fans. but not me. I get so happy when I see any kpop group reach the top numbers on any charts. heck. if I don’t listen to them. I start. 😂 but every kpop group should be celebrated when they start charting around the world. if we don’t then we can’t call ourselves apart of the kpop community. a key word is KPOP. if you don’t like a group just simply be like I’m not a fan. don’t start hate because the group you hate won an award that your group was also nominated for.
(sorry for such a long reply)
June 14th ^_^ the next two weeks are gonna be nothing but hustling, crying, and wanting to die, but I’m sure I can barely pass😌💕
aaaah you’re welcome only the best deserve it 🙃💓💓💓
aw ty! ^-^