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I'm not a feminist and modern day feminists suck and are actually pretty sèxist themselves
and they focus on issues on that aren't necessary for first world countries? like stop worrying about if you can free bleed and maybe focus on more pressing issues like women who get acid thrown in their faces
in other countries
the thing is, if you've paid any attention to the goal of true feminism, it's completely harmless and is all about respect and equality. I think that the projects of feminists depend on their location. Most American feminists are fighting for things that are real and need to be changed, and thankfully were luck enough that the issues we face aren't as extreme as getting acid thrown at our faces, however the problems are still totally valid.
we are lucky*
yes that's what feminist was but its not anymore? many feminist now are sexist themselves? tons of feminist go around saying "teach men not to rape!!1!1" but that's sexist af?
free bleeding isn't worth fighting for at all? it's stupid?
and also feminists who fight for not having to shave? no one really cares?
actually a lot of please care about women shaving. a lot of women feel constant pressure to shave. for example, a friend of mine who is a guy told me if I didn't shave my armpits I'd be disgusting,yet he said he doesn't have to shave his armpits because he's a guys. to me, that's totally unfair
and yes ons of feminists go around saying to teach men not to rape because 93.7% of rape perpetrators are men. I'm not saying that women don't rape, because 6.3% of perpetrators are women, and it's totally ridiculous to say that no women have ever raped anyone, but it's literally not sèxist at all to say to teach men not to rape?? how is it a bad thing to teach men not to rape someone. you could easily teach women not to rape anyone, and we are taught not to.
the thing is, women want to be able to wear a short skirt without getting comment about being slùts. women want to be able to wear what they like without being called a whóre or an attention seeker. a woman should be able to not shave her armpits without a guy telling her it's disgusting. "like a girl" shouldn't be a comparison to being weak or subpar or mediocre, while "man up" means to be brave and strong and tough. how could any girl disagree with the ideals of feminism if they do nothing but support equality and strong women?
some of my friends don't shave and no one cares? and my friends who do shave shave because they themselves don't enjoy body hair? like I like having my legs being smooth?
saying teach men not to rape is a sèxist because it forgets about women who rape and it makes it sound like all men are rapist who we must teach to stop
when they aren't
but most of those things are stupid? there are a lot more difficult things to focus on and help women with?
there are a lot of girls who aren't feminist including me so
it's not because I don't believe that women deserve to have the same rights and stuff it's because feminist now a day don't focus on this stuff they focus on stupid problems like free bleeding
and how many people do you see going around saying teach women not to rape? oh right never
that never happens*
you could easily say something racist and then go but wait it's backed up by facts so it's not racist like hello I could easily put a different race in what I just said? but that doesn't make it any less racist?
for example id never say this but if someone said lets teach blacks not to mug people, that's racist? but then I went but don't worry we have facts that lots of violence and muggings happen in black neighborhoods and I could of easily said something instead of black?
but that doesn't make it any less racist? it's still a racist statement to make?
I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying lol there's literally nothing wrong with teaching people not to rape. when we say teach men not to rape we are saying "teach the men who think that catcalling and sexùal harassment is okay not to rape instead of saying it's the girls fault for dressing provocatively" we're not saying all men are rapists. and you keep bringing up free bleeding I don't understand why you keep talking about free bleeding that's just one argument out of millions of others?? and just because your friends are understanding doesn't mean that everyone else is. like your friend group doesn't represent the majority of the population.
I'm not saying that teaching people to not rape is a bad thing? as you yourself said "there's nothing wrong with teaching people not to rape" that's exactly it Oml we need to teach everyone that rape is wrong and they shouldn't do it we can't just focus on men we need to focus on everyone because focusing just on men is sexist
on just men*
why did you totally ignore my other comment given an example about why saying something like that is wrong?
because it's an example of how stupid the things feminist are focusing on now a day
I know my friend group isn't the whole population, I'm saying there's a lot worse things to focus on then something that isn't that big of a deal to people?
let's see you ignored my one example so il live you another of I said let's teach women to stop taking so long to get ready you may say that's sexist because it's stereotyping women but guess what lots of women do take a long time to get ready and I could of easily said let's teach men not to take as long to get ready
but the originally thing I said itself isn't any less sexist?
I know it's kinda a stupid example but if you don't ignore it you'd get the point
I'll give you*
I didn't totally ignore it I thought I covered that whole thing because I explained that were not saying all men are rapists based on facts. and maybe not being able to shave your legs I ant the biggest deal but what other things do you suggest we focus on instead? you're shutting down all of these ideas that feminists have but you're not offering anything yourself. that's the thing, feminists want to change the way people view girls. it's about empowerment and being viewed the same as men are. if men are allowed to shave or not shave their pits and legs, then women should be able to do the same thing without getting relentlessly criticized or shamed. and what you said about women taking a long time to get ready- I agree that that could be seen as sèxist and I get your point. but as I said before, feminists aren't saying all guys are rapists. we're simply saying that we should be teaching our boys not to rape, rather than telling women that it's their fault if they get raped. we're not trying to disclose women from the statement, we're not trying to say that women don't rape ever, we're focusing specifically on men who sexûally harass women and blame it on their clothing, do you see?