me rn—been writing all day!!! oml i’m so f happy u have no idea—got 220 pages down tOdAY and im going to cry myself to sleep out of happiness


me rn—been writing all day!!! oml i’m so f happy u have no idea—got 220 pages down tOdAY and im going to cry myself to sleep out of happiness

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this literally me fangirling or getting mad at a character’s decision. lol
it’s been too long since I had a moment like that. excited for summer so I can finallyyy get back into writing and reading!
220 pages! Astrid! No way! That’s amazing! I’m a painstakingly slow writer, I really don’t know if I’ve ever written more than 3 pages in one day 😂
me too! it's the best thing about reading
@caption: that's amazing! i feel jelly. i'm in a reading slump nowadays and i could never write more than one chapter :/
thank YOU for your always wonderful responses and posts I look forward to reading💛 you are incredibly insightful, bright, and indeed so lovely😌✨🌙
yassss boookkss are AMAZINGG
and woah girl 220 pages!! that’s insane I struggle to get 800 words for my essay😌💖
thank you so much!!💞