Tap this so hard your fingers bleed❤️
Pls comment, I would 💗 a collab account and I will be super active on both of my accounts🍑🌞 ok, ty for reading xx


Tap this so hard your fingers bleed❤️ Pls comment, I would 💗 a collab account and I will be super active on both of my accounts🍑🌞 ok, ty for reading xx

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I can make one with you that would be awesome
hey daisy your account is super cute I love the theme
me! if yes, a username can be TumblrFairy, or VanillaTumblr or something cute with our usernames in it. I understand if I can't join, but I would love to collab with you! you remind me so much of my past edits; tropical and bright, so I know we'll get along just fine! 😚💗
and of course I followed you! you're super duper sweet and amazing! 🌺👏🏼💦 what's your name? I'm Bella. 💫
also, check the comments of my recent edit! :)
me! I love your account but if you don't want to it's ok💗