Tysm for 100 followers as well. I'll miss u guys


Tysm for 100 followers as well. I'll miss u guys

10 1
are you coming back????
hi guys I'm back❤️❤️
I'm pretty sure that uwerent pregnant bc those pictures weren't of u and ur wayyyy young, like not even a teen
Hi. I'm Lilly, I randomly found ur account and scrolled to the bottom without looking at any collages, I think your amazing and really strong to still be positive after all that's happened. I'm only 12 and I can't imagine having to raise a child at like 14! I was actually crying when I read that you lost three of your children. I'm so sorry. please know I now look up to you (even though I don't know you) and hope to be as strong as you are.. ❤️
come follow for all things fitness!💗