I'm done making icons


I'm done making icons

41 4
thanks !!! ur amazing too! 😊
she is doing indirects (giving clues about some pic collager so u identify them)
no offense at all but that was a little bit rude what you said on my page no offense
and she posted " like 4 An indirect " i was the 2nd like so i was the second indirect 😊
yeah! i was confused too ! πŸ˜‚
yeah, it would be. I mucked up like four times
I know that I'm making too many icons but they are chances to win😹
do you take the test? and if so, what level? (I'm eight because I just did seven and the passing score is very low)
I'm guessing you don't take the cm test for piano...
they're indirects to different people.
sure! just like my collage that says like for an indirect!
What you want to do??
why aren't u making icons anymore?😭