"Ali, you look too happy all the time, dead áss"


"Ali, you look too happy all the time, dead áss"

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dead âss 😂😂
to the windowwwwwww to the wall
that looks like a steamy moment in the Redding lifestyle
t'was a steamy moment, I was so hot and bothered
😷😷 the happiness😷😷 it overwhelms me 😷😷
my emo side needs to take flight
ooooooh aight aight
let Jake put on his eyeliner and launch himself into his world of emo bullshít
we're all emo in some way
nígga no
we r all emo 😂 not just Jake
ew no emo is gross
emo is grody
none of y'all emos are friends of mine, it's me and Ali against the world
you're grody
you're such an emocist
I'm not emo, I'm happy📱
yas guys it's me and Andy vs you two
this could be like a group chat
this is lit, more lit than Jake's shîtty texting app
aight lets fight níggas
right this is better than the app😂
wait wait wait Carlos we can't fight them, Ali doesn't know how to fight
I DO TOO and you know I do :)
:)))))) *suggestive winks* :)))))))))))))
whoaaaaaaa okay
I'm on blonde girl's side wbu
wait what ok now I'm alone 😂😂
okay we'll switch, I'll take Jake's side
just because he doesn't have anyone 🙄🙄
#Carli the A team 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
yuck #jady to the end
can I get an amen from my boyfriend Jake
power duo
EW JADY sucks
where's Carlos, I feel totally alone😂
so how's the single life Jake Mcallister?
your mom sucks
ha he's on our side now, #jandlos
eh it's like empty but my mom isn't breathing down my neck so
don't be hating on Kaylah's mom
i think the single life is fun
true my bad
when have you ever even been truly single? also I'm not really finding it fun at all, like I'm not that happy
like are you lonely? or just pining for julia?
cute word, and idk my life just feels kinda different
I'm pining for andy🌲🌲
hm :((( I'm sorry, but it's for the best right? now your mom is happy, you have her trust, and you'll be okay in a while ❤️
me 2
^ yeah the important thing is that your mom doesn't hate you and murder your online dating åss
I 🌲 for both of you and French fries
do you and her still talk, Jake?
exactly your mom would've kicked you out and you'd be stuck living w someone else
we do, but we don't have much to say and it makes me sad
I think I lost her already, like there's no picking pieces back up, I just ruined it too far beyond return
that sucks :( you didn't ruin it, you deserve to be happy too, jake
aw that is unfortunate
it really is
so what happened to the group chat on the app
I'm not sure, I'm still using it
Andy commented on this so I just figured we'd be on this because sometimes all the messages don't arrive on time
ily okay? if you need me 💖💖💖
oh okay I wasn't sure
half of the people in that chat don't even have this app though
I know thank you, al.
yeah, no problem, Jake.