I really feel like I need to post this.


I really feel like I need to post this.

21 2
I understand and respect your opinion. :3
I'm Christian as well but I don't think that it's wrong or anything. And I respect your opinion pal! :D
you should! it's so amazing!
aw man! well, there's always the play throughs on YouTube! so you get the story without the frustration of spending forever trying to defeat the bosses! :) xD
I'm a Christian and I don't really agree 100% for reasons I'm not getting into, but wow, thanks for being so respectful about it
^ I agree with diamond_faller. I'm a Christian, too, but I'm actually not against homosexuality. But I respect your opinion. :D
I'm Christian too but homosexuality is not wrong, God made you who you are. Yes I still respect your opinion and thank you so much for being polite about it.