Going to the dentist tomorrow to get my braces tightened r.i.p me. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘» If anyone here has Wattpad, follow mine @xrainynights and tell me you're from PicCollage. πŸ˜‹β˜ΊοΈ


Going to the dentist tomorrow to get my braces tightened r.i.p me. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘» If anyone here has Wattpad, follow mine @xrainynights and tell me you're from PicCollage. πŸ˜‹β˜ΊοΈ

227 3
I just got it today! :) Same user.
THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! and I'm totally with you on braces getting tightened😬😩 when do you get your off?
@caption luckily I'm supposed to get mine off in bout a month or two *fingers crossed*
have fun at the dentist...I love this by the way!
just fabulous πŸ’–πŸŒΉ
I'm on wattpad @kitrytaco13 ❀️ this post btw
Do you want to Collab?
AHH !! this is much too amazing, you seriously are queen! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ and thankssss! xx 🌻
good luck at the dentist I'm gonna get em soon so ahhh well in a yr or so 😏😏
This is wonderful x
ill give you a follow! :)
I posted another story called Loki, a true story about my dog. :(
2 years I think
first round of the games up and ready!! πŸ’•β€οΈπŸ’β˜ΊοΈ
Ahhh I went to the dentist yesterday and I don't even have braces but it hurt because I also had to get x-rays. Lol anyway I hope your teeth don't cause you pain. :(
Hi, this is beautiful!😊
nope πŸ‘Ž
i love
done:) I hope the braces don't cause you too much painπŸ˜πŸ’•
wow this is amazing!! and I feel bad for u abt the braces thing 😬
lol yeah
ahah you're fine I'm really not either it's like he is just so like blondeeeeeeeeeeeee idk lol
Okay that is fine.😌
I love your icon❀️❀️
Nice icon change, I hope you don't mind but I'm just going to remix more...because I like to find pictures on Pinterest for a reason...lol.
No thank you! I check your account every day to see what you have posted! You wouldn't believe how far down I go on your page because I want to see every each of your fabulous collages! You have been and still and ALWAYS will be my inspiration forever! Your an amazing person, and I'm so lucky to be friends with you! So I should be thanking you. :)
and I said it all because it's true.
I only have you them cause I'm bored! I love your icon to!
gave* And I do it for a lot of people..
so prettyyyyπŸ’•πŸ‘Œ
I have offered you a spot in our collab account @flowerpeach, I think your qualified in our collab account. Please contact me.
indeed you were. Would you like to be part of this group?
Your really good.
the password is...
Which day would you like to post? Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday? Saturday? Or Sunday?
hi I love your new icon but I loved your old icon to. also I'm like desperate for a good icon I kinda made mine myself 😬
u awesome
omgg thank you! you are one of my favourite accounts and i obsess over your collages a little too much ahaπŸ˜‚
Yessssss, 9.5/10! You just amazed me with your accuracy! You know me so well! And don't worry, I don't find that offensive at all! πŸ’• And I'm so glad you included hiking in there because it's great. πŸ™ŒπŸŒ»πŸŒΏ
thanks!! I'm reposting it tho since it was a collabπŸ˜‚
hello!!!! aaaa thank u 😊😊 how have u been?
How are you?
yep! :)
i LOVE your account!