I'll be here till she leaves


I'll be here till she leaves

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yeah yeah we get it
^ thanks, but don't bother
shut up
I don't want her to leave me alone, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
please elaborate on why you hate her so much?
well here's a thought, what if you just stopped. stopped ruining someone's day. stop being a twât. stop talking like you know what you're talking about. stop acting older than you are. just. stop. and grow tf up.
well I'm blocking + reporting you now so bye babygirl:)
yeah, I'll give you what you want soon.!
annddd she'll block you¿
she can block all of them 🙂
will do .
shut up, I'll do anything.
if she leaves, I'll kill myself.
I don't want to.
I have a question ; do you like me? or hate me?
but me?
I love her with so much of my heart, I have little for anything else. I love her so much that everyday I'm not with her, I want to die. I dream and wish to be with her. I'm praying I'll get another chance with her. maybe we'll take it slower next time? who knows. all I know is I want to marry this girl, and a petty hate page won't stop me from trying to get her.
^ I'm sobbing
you're not saying anything to that are you? 😂😂😂
god you actually need to do some research Hun, cause you ain't got shīt right