I really like this unlike my last two collages! What do you guys think? Also, I know I already used the quote, but I thought it would go good with this collage. 


๐ŸŒฟTap๐ŸŒฟ I really like this unlike my last two collages! What do you guys think? Also, I know I already used the quote, but I thought it would go good with this collage. Pconly!๐Ÿ’š

49 0
it's amazing
STUNNING ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’“can't wait to see what you do to collab
I will, promise. :)
I'll comment down here just because, well here it goes: basically, ever since I became "slightly" pc famous or less irrelevant I wanted some pic collage friends. I saw anyone who had lots of followers and likes as like some god or something who's better and stuff, and when I became friends with them I just felt jealous. it's hard being friends with someone who's always in the spotlight and ur just in the shadows. I realized how bad that was, to think that ways and I started being well trying to act more like a friend other than a fan. I created fan pages and likes their collages and tried to be close to call them a bestie. or whatever. but it's just hard. idk. u just think u have friends, then when it's time to vote for ur favorite pic collagers, no one vote for u, not even the people u feel so close to on PC. when it's time to recommend people for the pop page, no one, not one single person cares enough to say ur name in the comments. ๐Ÿ˜“ugh I'm just falling apart and crying. idek why. ok that's it. kinda.
also adding on. I'm trying I really am. m voting for my friends, for everything. I'm trying. but it's just hard when it feels like no one cares. when I made my leaving collage, most people, strangers just said I'll miss u. I know they won't. even close close friends just said a one sentence comment. LIKE REALLY I DO EVERYTHING FOR U AND NOW IM GOING TO BE GONE FOREVER AND U SAY BUE ILL MISE U FREN!!! like what??????? and now saying this stuff I feel bad and I feel ungrateful. that's basically the circle of emotions I'm going through. but I'm trying to put a smile on my face and post decent collages. so no one knows. DONT TELL ANYONE ABOUT WHAT IM SAYING! pls
wow I typed a lot of words, but I could write a who novel about this.
it's not just the votes though. it's just knowing someone doesn't felt the same way about you as u do for them. which is like a relationship gone terrible. and yeas many people voted for u.
idk about the votes. I'm not even remotely popular, it's just that u would think ur closest PC friends would even mention u! cuz that's what friends are supposed to do right?!??
lol I can't even comment more comments, because there an ERROR! that's PC telling me girl u have some major issues.
yeah I should write but I already have 7 other accounts I'm apart of. try to guess them๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜