Collage by kawaii_pineaples


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sorry I didn’t reply back I had a really bad day yesterday
I saw it I’m gonna be on and off pc I recently been threw a very very thought time and I also had to break us with my bf
What’s going on? Do you wanna like talk about it or something?
please don’t
but you have potential
Yeah, life is super shìt but when I feel like I’m struggling, the thought that I’m going to die soon and all this rubbish will be over provides great comfort but you might as well live ‘cuz life is an experience we only have for a few incredibly short years. Like make the most of it whilst you have it, do things you love
I’m sorry
Ik it hurts
Because, like I said we only get this experience for an incredibly short time so might as well make the most of it
If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?
Goodness, you’re so young. You’re just going through a rough patch. It’s very likely it’ll get better, honestly
Because you’re still very young. I’m still young and life is cråp as a teen
Yeah, like I said, life’s crãp but it’s incredibly short so you might as well make the most of it
No, because it’s going to get easier. I promise you that
I’m not going to make a promise if I don’t mean it, honestly
I’m still young and going through my teenage years. I have a lot of hard times but like I said, being a teenager sucks. It’s going to get easier when we have everything sorted out and we’re adults
Wdym? What’s going on with your mum and family?
Look, you’re so young. When you get older, you’re going to be able to make your own choices and have the freedom to do whatever you want to do so please just carry on, get through this rough patch and I promise you that it’ll be so worth it. You’ll be glad you did it
Wait until you’re 18, you’ll have sm more freedom of choice. I’ll be 18 in a year and Ik that I’m going to get to make more choices by myself. Seriously, it’s worth it. You’re to make the most of your life
It is, honestly
I don’t own a heart I sold it for more years
I feel like all that fighting I do to stay alive isn’t worth it that I only did it because I wanted to help others
Erm..i know im not helping things leaving pic collage...but ill try my best tocome bc
Laila Laila I need you to stay with me cmon Laila
and your special to everyone helping you we wouldn’t help you if you were special every human has a right to live
ok, first things first. why do u post such sad things like that? if u haven’t realized yet, pc is a place to smile, express creativity, and show love. this only dampers on someone’s day, either reminding them of their problems, or thinking about other people who do have these problems. u r amazing and great user, but u have to realize that some of this stuff is it as okays think it is
stop being mean to her your making pic collage worse by saying that
shut up idiot