Idek how to use this yet 😞


Idek how to use this yet 😞

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It's okie Lemon <3
Okie so I'll give you a quick tutorial, k?
So you see where it says "View all related remixes"?
Um yeah
Tap on the arrow and press on the "Tap to remix" to remix on any collage
Should I click it now
XD only if you want to remix your collage
Okay uh not now
XD okie
And, to like a post >>sorry this one is long<<
Double click the post or click the heart
:D that's basically it
Okay I probably would have figured that
Lol ye:3
Mk thanks 😊
Np! πŸ˜„
Do you have to buy some of the backgrounds? Ya know what I mean right?
Yeah, and yeah you do sadly :/ But mostly they are free
Okie thanks πŸ˜‰
Yw! It feels weird not talking to you on MineCraft :P
And idc what you call me PC XD so Ye
Same here :d
So yeahhh, welcome to PC 😊
Thanks 😊
Yw Lemon <33
I used to own a server before... It got hacked and the website too. Everything is gone. It broke my heart I miss everyone from there. 😣
Really?! :o I've always wanted my own server! I would've joined! :D
Yeah, but that was a while ago. 4 or so months ago.
Wow.. I kinda was making a mod, and then got a virus so it got deleted... o.o
Oh. Idek how to make a mod. I sorta know how to make a server but not a mod. 😐
It was like a year trial thing my dad got me.. I felt so bad bc we had to erase both of our computers
Yeah I get viruses and I am an idiot when it comes to downloading things off the internet πŸ˜• Luckily someone at his work can remove them.
Yeahhh.. I kinda got mine from mods... And then felt like an idiot until well I still do 😁
I did find a successful way to get mod and mod packs but there were specific requirements and my computer didn't have them πŸ˜’ So now I have a MC mod launcher sitting there bc I can't use it 😞
Oh.. I used Forge, and got it from getting this mod that had no reviews like: "Oh cool a new mod!"
And then I feel like an idiot bc a few days later I get something saying I got a virus 😐
I think I have some mods installed but idk how to use them I have forge and lucky block mod installed but they don't work
Oh, Lucky Block made me lag 0-0
My computer runs at 100 fps on the creative server. Or at least that's what it says
Oh wow. Idk how much mine takes up..?
Do u have a PC or Mac
A Mac, my dad hates PCs XD
Oh Well if u press the command key and f3 it shows a bunch of letters and numbers but look for where it says 'FPS:'
I'll try that tomorrow XD
I'm too lazy to move from my bed now X3
I can't XD my dad stays up all night and watches tv and the computer is in the kitchen, so I have to sneak past him lol
Oh, lol! I have my computer in my room, so if I hear my parents I just turn off the brightness and pretend to sleep..
Yeah, that's why I went on brb randomly yesterday..
And you are 2 hours ahead of me😞
True, it is 1:09 in the morning, but like whatevs
I can't stay up that late if I try my eyes will start to hurt 😣 Then if I am on my phone I just drop it XD
Lol! One time muskey got really mad at me bc I fell asleep instead of getting on MC CX
Yeahhhh... Sometimes that'll happen
Btw you made the plot look amazing o3o
Ty Lemon! :D <3
Sadly I'm pretty sure I have to restart mine AGAIN
What do u mean
Your plot?
I am going to go soon... It is almost 12 AM and I won't be happy in the morning😐
Yeah, same and yeah my plot
<3 Talk to you more tomorrow then?
Yeah <3
Bye Lemon! <3
Bye Katy <3
See you after school Lemon, I um, will be on around the usual time, see you 😊
Okay bye <3
It's okay about the Katy thing! I actually like her name better than mine X3
Oh what is your name anyways😐
My actual name..? It's Morgan.. 😁
My irl name is Dylan like in the rp's lol
Yeah, I figured :P
I was just like: Morgan is NOT being my RP name if someone calls me Morgue again I swear..
Wait r u on mc rn?
No, I'm texting my friends about stuff
Well cya later I guess <3
Yeah, we can still talk but I mean like, texting at the same time <3
Yeah il it's hard XD
Yeah, tbh we're talking about people we like.
What does tbh mean πŸ˜•
To be honest
Oh okay
Yeah.. It's kinda awkward right now to admitting this to you.. but..
I actually like you? 😁
You do...
Uh yeah..
I do to...
:D really?
:) But now it's kinda awkward between me and Aqua
Who is Aqua
Aqua is one of my best friends..
Oh... Um...
And uh..
He said he likes me..
Oh okay.
But now I feel bad... Bc idk.. He's my best friend
Oh. I feel bad now 😞
It's okay! It's not you..
It's me and Aqua's problem, just if you see him, don't tell him I told you..
Oh okay
Yeah, he usually, uh, uses a girl's skin though..
Well. No one ever liked me. But I never cared until 7th grade and like the end of summer
Um. Lol.
Oh, someone asked me out before, but I said no luckily.. Bc he asked out like every girl.
Uh yeah, I heard this and was like: Wow
I have never asked someone out bc I don't have the guts and idk. But I like you... I have never told anyone if I like them anyways so I feel really weird rn.
Yeah, ikr.. I've only liked three people, including you..
And they moved away..
Oh. Well we don't even live close to each other
Yeah.. :( But at least we met each other
😁 This is super awkward now, I didn't really want to admit it but..
Honestly, I didn't want to admit it bc I didn't know what you'd think..
Oh that's why I shut my mouth I thought you would hate me...
Yeah... I was like: I should just admit it.... πŸ˜”πŸ˜
I was going to sometime... I just didn't know when to.
Yeah.. Me and my other friend are like talking about it awkwardly
Wait u told them u like me...
Uh maybe? 😁
It's okay she's not judging. She doesn't even play Mc
It's fine 😊
Well, she used to...
Oh okay.
Yeah.. Me and her are talking about it, bc Aqua.. said he's okay, but..
We don't think so..
Oh ok
Yeah, he stopped texting us.. I only told them bc we admitted who we liked..
Well I gtg... So see you later? Maybe? 😁
Yeah, sure.. Sorry if I made this awkward..
You didn't... I just... Well ya know
I wish we didn't live so far apart :(
Yeah.. I'll see you later.
Okay, Bye then...
Bye Le- Dylan <3