Btw the last word is “around..” what 👏🏻happens👏🏻next👏🏻 
Comment what you want to happen next!!!


Tap WHAT HAPPENS NEXT??? Btw the last word is “around..” what 👏🏻happens👏🏻next👏🏻 Comment what you want to happen next!!!

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Makenna - Look in comments on your main
Hermione confidently walks up to her and whips of the invisibility cloak
Cedric looks slightly shocked and some gryffindors Start trying to get the cloak. she snatched it from Hermione and runs away crying
either Harry or Cedric come find her and comfort her, you choose
Ron comes and comforts her
Hermione walks in on him hugging her and asking if she’s okay (because their families are good friends)
Hermione gets rly mad and Ron starts ignoring you
She finds out that her best friend (Angela?) is secretly dating Harry Potter and bc Ron is now not talking to her and Harry is Ron’s best friend, Harry isn’t talking to her, and she says to Angela choose between Harry and her and Angela chooses Harry, and now your all by yourself. Oh and also Cedric isn’t talking to you for an unknown reason.
I’m not done!!
THIS is when Ginny comes along, kicks everybody’s behinds for being mean to you, befriends you, you guys become best friends, Angela becomes jealous of you guys, Ginny tells Ron off for ignoring u, Ron apologises ti both you and Hermione and explains to Hermione what was really happening, Harry is okay with you now, the only thing that’s still wrong is that Angela isn’t talking to you, and neither is Cedric.
Ideas about what could be happening:
1. Cedric is being pressured by his friends and doesn’t want to be made fun of for talking to you 2. He lost his memory and doesn’t remember you at all (story goes to how he lost memory and you trying to become friend again (then maybe more)) 3. He’s a death eater 😉 4. He has a contagious disease he doesn’t want you to catch 5. He’s so madly in love with you that he knows his heart would explode if he talks to you I HAVE SO MANY MORE IDEAS!!
oh my