This mong never speaks on FaceTime I end up speaking to myself hahah love ya really Zoe 💕💕✌🏻️✌🏻️


This mong never speaks on FaceTime I end up speaking to myself hahah love ya really Zoe 💕💕✌🏻️✌🏻️

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yes we can~ hello!
hey so....
I kinda like u like a lot 😔
a-are you sure? we just met! ><
Ik but I know when I like someone
i'm honored, really! that's really nice of you and i'm proud of you for confessing. it really takes a lot to do that!
thanks 😰
it's just that it takes my feelings a long time to develop. i'm also a dweller and i'm still not over my last crush. i know it hurts to be let down (obviously) but i can't come to conclusions about my feelings so fast.
i'm still gonna be your mate though! :D
I'm gonna die