


36 0
me babe I do
wow I hope it gets better
nothing just chilling
r u guys back together
hey πŸ‘‹
hey r u guys 😘
good I guess
yeah im on
hey wyd
nothing much hbu
i am in class
well at foot ball practice
cool i am too
ppl say that just bc I am a girl I can't play football 🏈
well I can I am on a boys team A a half cheerleader
cool I think girls can do football
I love football!
I just came back from tennis practice🎾
I'm sorry I love you but I'm not at a good place to have a girlfriend right now it's just too much for me right now
but I hope we can still be good friends
no I wanted to but when I got back together with you I saw that it was too much to handle
came back for practice
Cody we need to talk now 😑
Cody I am so mad 😑 at u right now
but srry I don't want to make you think it's ur fault
it's not in our relation ship it's just me and my life a lot of things are going on and I don't have time for a girl friend and I don't want to be a bad boy friend to you because things are happing in my life to be with you like I should
I trust you but I don't know how to put it into words
how can I show you
I'm sorry
I wasn't talking to u
and stay out of my business
r we still going friends after what I am going to tell u
who me πŸ™„
no and idk just tell me what you wanted to say to me
ok gosh πŸ™
what I was saying no to when you asked who me and I was saying idk to are we going to still be friends
i have to go I'll be back 30 min
oh ok cool
what's up?!
nothing much
"I swear I want you all to myself I swear I don't need anyone else I swear I don't need anyone else"
I don't want any one but you
the only thing I want is you. I went with my little sis yesterday to see "santa" and I told him I wanted you
will I find you under my tree?
it's t. we need to talk
I'm done fighting. I'm done. if you want me you'll get me. bye.