I've been super busy this week  I have no clue what to post now, what should I post? I've been losing so many followers
Music is my medicine and I want it to be my life ❤️


⬇️IMPORTANT⬇️ I've been super busy this week I have no clue what to post now, what should I post? I've been losing so many followers Music is my medicine and I want it to be my life ❤️

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Hey 🙌🏼😇 Haven't been on lately 😭 but to contradict that, I made a cake just ten minutes ago 😂😋 I'm so sorry we haven't chatted in.... DAYS!! They seem like forever 😂😅💗
I know it's been so long and ten min ago I was doing a concert 😅 that's ok I've been so busy and I'm finally home but have a ton of hw 😭
My "Tired Week Of Homework" is over 😊 but I'm sure our teachers will pile em' up again after break 😭😭😭
Oh and guess how my cake turned out? 😏
my teachers give me a ton of hw everyday which sucks cause I'm super busy but I'm scared how much we might get for break and how did it come out?
It was supposed to be big and fluffy and SWEET 😂 (emphasis on sweet) but it came out flat as a pancake and it was kinda burnt and it wasn't yummy 😳 but it was strangely addicting 😂✌🏼 And yeah I know what you feel 😓 Homework is... the worst.
oh wow 😂 that happens when I ATTEMPT to make cookies by myself 😂😂 I've been so stressed with hw I still have a headache from two days ago
YAAAS I have this BIG project about amphibians, and so, every time my parents check my laptop history, they get TONS of gross frog facts and info 😂 it's fun to see their faces but tiring to do 😒
😂 nice, I missed school a few times since our choir does stuff during the day so my bio teacher picked my topic for my research paper and I have no clue what it is
Oh I don't do choir, but our school is having a musical play, and they gave me 5 words to say... 5 FREAKING WORDS FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD!! 😂😂 But really? It's fine... I play sports more than singing and stuff lo,e that... I CAN'T dance 😂😓
*like 😂
oh wow, I was going to do our musical but I didn't have time so I couldn't join because of how busy I am
(sorry this has nothing to do with your wonderful collage) thank you so much for the spam!