I personally don’t think it will be taken away (don’t wanna jinx anything tho) but if it is, here’s this cheesy note. I love you all. So so much💙💙


I personally don’t think it will be taken away (don’t wanna jinx anything tho) but if it is, here’s this cheesy note. I love you all. So so much💙💙

21 1
haha yeah, np!💙💜
aw, thank you fren 💙 you make me smile and laugh. you make me so happy, you are such a good person in so many ways. you've supported me even though I've never met you in real life, but that doesn't matter. you have listened to my rants, my weird comments, and you've made my life so much better. some call it just "internet friends" but no matter on or off the screen, you will always be my friend 💕 I love you, thank you for everything, just in case if they take neutrality away…
i’ve heard about this but i don’t really understand it😅what’s net neutrality,