(Tap) Mornin'! How is everyone? QOTD: What is the latest time you've woken up on a weekday?
AOTD: Probably 8:15am and I need to be in school by 8:30 😬 I sleep late and wake up late... But I woke up at 6:45 πŸ…That's probably why I'm tall...


(Tap) Mornin'! How is everyone? QOTD: What is the latest time you've woken up on a weekday? AOTD: Probably 8:15am and I need to be in school by 8:30 😬 I sleep late and wake up late... But I woke up at 6:45 πŸ…That's probably why I'm tall...

53 0
R u awake
please check out my recent post! i made my own quote up hope u like! love this btw
WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!! I really really like this!! It's so pretty! And thank you so much! AOTD: when I had school 7:30, summer time 9:00
I love this! πŸ’•πŸ˜Š Adorable 😍