Hi my name is Megan and im in a group chat with two other girls! We had a group chat but pretty much everyone left so we want people that will stay. Our age range would be 14-15 (girls only)! Hopefully this group chat will be alot of fun and we can get cl


Hi my name is Megan and im in a group chat with two other girls! We had a group chat but pretty much everyone left so we want people that will stay. Our age range would be 14-15 (girls only)! Hopefully this group chat will be alot of fun and we can get cl

39 1
I want to join ๐Ÿ˜Š
I'm willing to join but I can't send a pic of my face privacy things and stuff sorry but ya I'm rose I'm a pansexual demigirl and I'm 14 let me know
is the group chat on Instagram?
i want to join but my parents would kill me if they found out I gave my email/phone number to strangers for iMessage๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ oh well
Same /\
It's like no matter your age your parents will always be super over protective of you...
I think I could still join though. I can't send a pic but you can just call me Cee-Cee (my nickname). I'm a creative go with the flow kind of girl and I love helping those in need.
I'm 13
You asked me to send u my number, but is there a way for private chat so not everyone can see my number?
haha I wish I could join :( I'm turning 12 but that's still a year too young
My other social media is called SNOW. It's like snapchat.
Do you have it? That way I could give you my number.
I will try and get it
May I join if this offer is still available?