repost from-metanoia-extra-one of the word is blurred out since it was a swear word πŸ™Š qotd: what's your favourite animal? aotd: sloths or foxes!


|13|02|21| repost from-metanoia-extra-one of the word is blurred out since it was a swear word πŸ™Š qotd: what's your favourite animal? aotd: sloths or foxes!

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I like sloths since I feel like a sloth all the time. Lazy and only wants to move when it's eating time lolπŸ˜‚ and foxes are so cute!!
Please repost this message!! It is so important!!!!
aw tysm for reposting, it is v important :)
and sorry abt the swear word πŸ˜… to me it isn’t rlly that bad and I forget other ppl don’t like it 😬