Yep :3


Yep :3

18 0
Hello, sorry for my previous absence. Are you okay? Do you need anyone to talk to? Cause I'm here, and even if all you needed was for someone to listen . I'm here to do anything that helps.
no no your one of the reasons i came back!!! thank you so much. I'm Claudia by the way
Hello, my name is Cadence. 😃 I'm glad to hear that, I would do anything for someone who is currently in your position.
thank you. your so nice
No problem. I'm always ready to help. 😊
Hello, is there something you need to talk about? 😊
Sorry again for my absence, school has been crazy. How are you doing?
no it's fine yeah I guess
Would you like to talk about it? Get it off your chest? I'm willing to listen to anything you need to say. 😊
eh it doesn't matter anymore thanks anyway 😊
okay 😊, so what are your hobbies? 😂 I love art, like with a passion. oh and Netflix is a hobby too. 😝
ha ha yeah it is for me 😂 I love art to!!! and dance, I'm also a massive comic nerd and LOOOOOOOOVE music
Comcis are the best, seriously! That's awesome!
ha ha I'm glad you think so. my otp is romanogers
omg! YAS! What's your favorite marvel character?