There was a transgender woman in a store I was in and I wanted to tell her she looked pretty but I was too shy (stupid social anxiety)


There was a transgender woman in a store I was in and I wanted to tell her she looked pretty but I was too shy (stupid social anxiety)

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there's this trans guy who works at my grocery store and his name is Alex and my mom always refers to him as a girl but you can obviously tell he is not a girl so i always just correct my mom by saying "they. you don't know if they're a boy or a girl because you haven't asked" and my mom always says "no i can tell she has small shoulders" and yeah reason 342 why i hate my mother
^^yikes man. I'm sorry for you
ily mom
I might unfollow and follow again to you since I don't want to go scrolling for you username for a long time๐Ÿ˜‚
so don't be surprised if I follow you again...๐Ÿ˜‚