-Sup I'm Tana✌🏻️ 
-I'm a sarcastic, crazy, vulgar ašs bîtch🤘🏻 
-I honestly don't know why the fûck I'm here 🤔 
-I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs ANYMORE 😂 When I drink it's only a little bc Angela will come out and you don't want that(Angela my alter ego


-Sup I'm Tana✌🏻️ -I'm a sarcastic, crazy, vulgar ašs bîtch🤘🏻 -I honestly don't know why the fûck I'm here 🤔 -I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs ANYMORE 😂 When I drink it's only a little bc Angela will come out and you don't want that(Angela my alter ego

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Hi Tana it is so nice to meet you luv~ Kira
you too
y did u delete my comments?😫😭😂
oh wait I just noticed you re did it sorry💖
you that dumb😂orrrr is this a joke