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umm why??!!
oh ok that's fine
umm.. well this person has brown hair
πŸ˜„ it's not going to be the easy way yet
do u like cooper? I won't tell
this guy is 13?!!
jk he's 14
for reals
ur not old wait why r u asking that??
ok sorry about that u just asked how old u sound that's why I was confused
okay cooper is 14 do u like him or nah? that's all we want to know
by the way I hate that person now. I just texted him I'm done with the that person😭😭
first of all I know that cooper is 14 second of all I wasn't going to say if I liked him because clearly that wouldn't end well
well idk😭
that person I HAD liked was someone at my school named Nathaniel
because I think if I would say anything we wouldn't be talking 😊
so I didn't really intend by saying it wouldn't end well but..
I only said that because it's happened so many times
oh it's ok
oh it's ok thanks
I was just mad so sorry too!