I'll take a couple of anyone wants. They'll be done traditionally.


I'll take a couple of anyone wants. They'll be done traditionally.

17 12
I would but I've never actually done one before! XD
^*le gasp*
yep! people have asked but... *^*
me mum said for Christmas she would maybe get me a computer with a drawing tablet!!! YAY!! ^~^
:0 Yo, I'd love to do a trade with you!
re// Good ol' Peri, please! :D And what would you like me to draw for you?
re// Totally! I'll try and get it done either by tomorrow or tonight if that's okay with you. ;0
can I *o* if I can it'll take a while because 1) I'm a lazy ašshole and 2) homework
lmaø so is that a yes?
or a no
ahh crāp now I need to find a picture in my mess of a camera roll
I forgot to ask what you want
lmaø okay