➰ Shadowhunters nursery rhyme ➰


➰ Shadowhunters nursery rhyme ➰

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look it's me! hehe➰
what's Shadow Hunters about?
and is it a tv show or movie/book series?
oh okii x3 what do they like.. do?
lol it sounds awesome how you put it x3
perfect job! *claps* and no you didn't lol XD
awesome! and finally.... DO MY FAVOURITE: MAZE RUNNER
YESH. YESH YOU ARE *applauds*
that's so pretty!!! and all I can say is Gerri sorry... I can't say my real name it's too unique..
hi 😊 And wait wait wait, you're European?!?! what part of Europe??
that's awesome!! and omg what time is it for you? XD
omg! it's 4pm where I am 😂😂😂 and alrighty have a safe drive 😊
haha I love math actually x3 but good luck!
ooh fun!!! I'm such a. nerd omg x3 hope it all goes good <3
eh I doubt it x3 I think you'll do very well.. But then again I like just started talking to you so idk lol
niceeeee! how do you think you did? {sorry for the late response I was practicing my piano}
YAYYY! I knew it x3 and yeah I love playing piano!
no way really???? I gotta hearrrr 😫
I bet you're amazing 😊 But lol I honestly can't sing.. I'm like an alto so sometimes I sound like a guy ugh
Omgg yasssssssss
that would be amazeballs x3
lucky youuu! and dang it I guess I'll HAVE to watch a whole show with amazingly perfect accents *sarcasm*
hehe I love Australia x3
whaaaaaat? it looks amazing x3 and lol I'm actually Canadian 😂🇨🇦
yayyyy! Canada is amazing x3 and yeah they are from Canada! where exactly is Shawn Mendes? {that's how you spell it right?}
do you know where in Canada? and here's a unicorn for good luck! 🦄
oh that's not good! but at least you only got one wrong x3 and lol I know where that is!! {btw sorry I didn't respond, on my iPod it's the 4th generation so I can't see or respond to comments}
ooh sounds fun! what sports do you play?
OMG I LOVE VOLLEYBALL!!! we did it for a few weeks in gym at my Tuesday homeschool group but now it's over and I'm sad :( well.. we did badminton but now that's over and I'm scared what's next 0.o I think it's freaking football or something stupid like that :/
I wanna do hockeeyyyyyyyyy
yeah!! i started off really bad but now I'm alright ;3
awesome!! :3 it's really fun! my friend Zoe and I were playing doubles against my younger sister {Carrie} and her younger sister, it was hilarious and very violent 😂😂😂
yeah lol I watched her make it x3 she was freaking out about making it with you! and awesomeee! haha there were a lot of autocorrect errors in that comment omg
probably cause you're pretty PC famous, I mean you're not on the popular page but a lot of people know you x3 and lol okii makes sense
lol at least to me you are x3 I don't get many likes and have many followers.. plus your edits ✨💕👌🏻
whaaaaa? nooo! the one you made with Carrie I was literally freaking out over! ask her XD
seriously?! I've been on since the beginning of April XD
NO WAY!!!! which one?!?!
yeah I found it! congrats!! ✨✨
you deserve it!! it's such a perfect quote 💕
omg I love we❤️it!!