Congratulations sam your a F**King gold digger.


Congratulations sam your a F**King gold digger.

40 1
Hay your back
you first you had cheated on her and she is not a gold digger so u can stop you don't have the right to talk about my sister like that
dude that's REALLY rude! she's one of my friends and u have no right to talk about her like that
omg ur back 🙀👏🏼 and wow
shut the f**k up i didnt cheat on her b**ch so shut the F**k up and a girl told me she cheated on me for asking my friends ex. boyfriend
yeah but you cheated o n her first so you don't have a right to talk about her that way she broke up with you before she did that not my fault you don't listen to people
look how many people blocked you and a lot reported you. was with our friend that is messed up
Connor you idiot. *you're. Use correct spelling grammar in your pic collages. dummy
i dont care
dude u totally cheated on her!!😡😡😡 we even saw the comments that YOU put!
omg if you want to start drama do it on intagram not piccollage
sorry but who the heck r u