Collage by dyingontheinside_extras


22 0
it happened at ten last night.
their time.
actually, the media cares more about gay people than the whole country of Turkey or a whole religion. I love gay people (in the platonic way) but the media should pay more attention to other stuff too.
my family is from that country too...
because we're the minority that people want to make look bad.
I should,get people to repost this.
and change their icons accordingly like they did for Paris and Orlando
Please, Kat,(I think that's your name, I heard people on here call you that, it's a lovely name btw), please don't kill yourself. What happened, and are you ok? I will listen to you and try to give you advice. But please, don't kill yourself😱 We love and care about you, and you are one of my friends. You are such a nice friend to me. You are also an inspiration to so many people, including me, and you are too young and fabulous to die. You are beautiful, pretty, talented, amazing and so much more. Plus, you have a future in front of you. If you die, you never know what the future will hold for you. But if you continue living, you will get to see your future. Plus, if you die, it will have a huge impact on the people you know. Your parents would be miserable, your friends would be devastated, teachers will be upset and classmates will be sad. If anything happened to you, I would be devastated. Stay strong, we love you✨💕💖💎🌸
I was not ok but now I am I was getting cyber bullied because I did not join the other boys at school I mean the reason we left is beacause of them I doubt they even know we live in Scotland
Hi! You're a pretty big (I assume at least) supporter of 8kids_noadults. I was wondering if you could check out my latest post and give your opinion on it. If you do, thanks so much!! Also, please don't kill yourself. You should tell someone before it's too late, they'll help you
congrats on 430
brb doing a collage