Collage by 3RunawayKidsInactive


55 1
Are you wearing the clothes u escaped in or new ones?
can you post pictures of your selfs ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
We packed a couple pairs of clothes, (which by the way are totally grass stained.)
Hmm, that's tough. I've been to Paris, which is really pretty.
Yes, our stories are real. But our parents don't know about it, they're either dead, or couldn't care for us, they probably think we're still at the home.
Probably not for privacy reasons.
where do you plan on going?
Just.. away I guess. Anywhere but that awful home.
what country are you in
(not country) we're in Europe.
how did u get the money to get a phone or ipad
We had the phone before we ran away, and get wifi at places so we don't have to pay.
are you okay? how do you find food? are you guys related? how did you find each other
Mostly ok.. Not related but friends, we can buy food, get it at the hostels, or just go without it, we lived in the same home
How to u guys get money?How r old r u guys?
why did your parents abandon you
There are four of us 13(boy )13(boy), 12(girl), 11(girl.) We have money right now.
Our parents didn't abandon us, one died, and the rest couldn't care for us.
my mum is from Europe
do u live in the bush near a lake if I were u I would go to a doctors house and ask if u could help with anything and ask for money and find a box with shelter sorry I'm talking about the boxcart kids
Boxcar kids! I love that book, used to have it...
Are u scared that something going to happen?
to u guys?
Yes, every day, paranoid someone will recognize, or that we'll be caught, forced to ride a train again. So many things could happen but we're willing to take that risk.
how old were you when your parents died
Amber was the only person in our group who's parent died. She was ten. The rest of us were, 11, 12, 10 when we came to the home.
could you make an adventure (of your life) picollage? You don't have to, just a suggestion. I thought it would be kinda cool!
Maybe! Great idea!
how many foster homes have you been to
We've stayed at one children's home. Foster homes? Luke: 2, Lucas: 1, Carla: 3, Amber: 2
what's your favorite movie
How long have you been away from your parents?
Not from our parents, from the home, about 2 weeks
where are you guys currently?
Yes, we share Luke's phone, I think it's an iPhone 5 (older)
I'm not 100% sure where we are, a little outside of Germany I think.
have you ever been to Miami?
Nope, never been to Miami but I wish we had...
whats so bad about home?
The home... was going to split us apart, so we left
in what city are you guys in now
Phone? We've been using Luke's phone that he had before he came here, we get wifi at hostels and places like Starbucks.
strange question but... do u ever wish u were back at the home? separate or not...
Never.. The place was ok, they did the best they could, but even if things get terrible, I'd never hope we were back at the home split apart.
We have a post about scout, we found him tied to a pole with a note attached to him saying that they couldn't take care of him anymore etc etc etc. Money? We have some money we brought with us and we've been saving up bottles in order to make extra money.🍩
how much money do you have on the run
Well, not much, we still have some we brought with us and we're getting more using bottle money.
what school did you used to go to
Can't sayπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
do you miss your family and friends
Yes... our friends. Amber misses her parents and grandmother, Carla wants to murder her stepdad, I don't miss my parents after what they did and Lucas never talks about it.
why does she want to hurt her stepdad
were are you guys now?
you Guy's could better stay at europe, bv there is the euro, in another compound there is propably another money worth
I hope u understand what im sayingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
can I ask, where do you comr from? maybe I can see, if there looking for you..? Or nahh, bc privacy reasons
So, we all come from America but we moved to Europe because of our parents jobs.
what's the coolest animal you've seen
We charge Luke's phone at hostels