Hey this is my first post I've been looking at pages and this is the style I've accomplished here in PC!! I love this!! And am so happy to meet all of you!! Fanname:Blossoms πŸ’–πŸŒΈπŸŒΈ. I hope we can become friends


Hello--Tap--The--Emojis--πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š Hey this is my first post I've been looking at pages and this is the style I've accomplished here in PC!! I love this!! And am so happy to meet all of you!! Fanname:Blossoms πŸ’–πŸŒΈπŸŒΈ. I hope we can become friends

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xsidneyx made my icon!!
no it's not you at all don't worry
Thank-you lovely πŸ’—πŸŒΈ That's good πŸ™ƒ And sorry I can't make you an icon, that's never been my strong point ;)
Omg this is amazing for your first collage!
live it your wayyyy better than me