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I honestly cannot relate with what you are going through, but I really hope things get better for you ❤️ if you ever need a listening ear, you can talk to me, though I wouldn’t be much help for advice 😔 please take care of yourself!!
lmaø ive never met you but im almost impressed that you managed to like posts that r years old dnjdkekx anyways im a trans man and used to be nb too, so i understand ur struggle w gender identity n i can help you talk or whatever if u ever need
oh no I’m so so sorry!!! 😭
I know exactly what your feeling. I had depression for 3 years, self harmed and was suicidal. Not only that, but I struggled with my sexuality. I also had insomnia and anxiety. I still struggle as what I identify as. I’m lesbian, no wait I’m straight and that’s that. But maybe... no. Ok maybe I’m bisexual. I’m lesbian. Nope bi. Definitely straight. Maybe I’m pan?! Nah I think I’m bi. Or maybe I’m lesbian. Ok. I’ve got it now. I’m 100% straight. Or am I? I understand how confusing it is and I’m sorry. I also understand the other things you’re going through and I’m really so sorry. I know I don’t really know you, and it doesn’t seem like much, but I am ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS open to talk. I’m heresy for you.
here to talk
sorry the message got cut off