Collage by kats_blog


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that's so sad I hope ur alright
wow I'm so sorry to hear that I hope your ok just tell your parents
that Bįtćh!! boys are stupid!
I'm pretty sure if you just tell a friend they will be willing to help you
he is so stupid it is not your fault. I feel so bad for you. 😭😭
Bïtch, that's stupid. Stay strong, ok? Don't let this bring you down. Eat healthy, keep moving. You can most definitely become an amazing mother if you try hard enough. There are a lot of single mothers out there and they might start out with this happening, but things will get better. I promise. Your family and friends will always be there for you as well, you can always ask for help when you need it. xxx💜
Just stay strong. Make sure you eat healthy no matter what
Poor u. Stay strong😘 Follow for a follow?
u r a young mum so just stay strong u will find another bae good luck Kay
soz meant kat
bye the way how many weeks pregnant r u now
if he thinks that this is bad, he doesn't deserve you! I'm sure you'll be a great mother. think of how amazing it will be to have a little CUTE baby!
it's okay, if he's not going to stay with you he's not worth it. trust me that even though I personally have never had the experience you are going to love your kids with all your heart and your parents, even though they don't understand everything will ALWAYShave your back, no matter the circumstances.
sorry not shave have, stupid auto correct. but your parents will always have your back.
always shave your back? really TheStubster? lol. I know this isn't the right time but maybe something funny will make you feel better. also, before I meant babies. u r gonna be an amazing mom!
I feel so sorry for you right now X
you don't need him! you are going to be a strong independent mother!
don't worry about him, I'm definitely sure that someone a lot better will come around and be with u because you deserve to have someone, forget about how stupid ur boyfriend was and just focus on the future with ur baby💖😊⭐️
I believe in u