Music box covers are so beautiful but they make me really sad? Like I love listening to them but holy moly does it make me contemplate šhït


Music box covers are so beautiful but they make me really sad? Like I love listening to them but holy moly does it make me contemplate šhït

21 0
thank you for that beautiful comment I also left a comment like that for her
No problem! I hate seeing people who try to discriminate against the LGBTQ community using God and stuff. Faith shouldn't be used to make people feel uncomfortable :3
you should read the Bible cause God didn't make people like that. Not everything you see on the internet is true.
Omg I love this edit
Eee Thankyou •3• ^^
And no, I'm not going to read the Bible so it can teach me to be ignorant in the face of reality. Wow, boys love boys, girls love girls. Is it really a big deal? I don't want your homophobic opinions on my post, thanks
also according to the *Bible you aren't supposed to eat poultry,also,my beliefs about these people are way more serious than clothes
You say 'these people' like they are an entirely different species to you. Homosexuality is present in many animals in nature (not just humans, but bats, dolphins and chimps too I believe). Homophobia on the other hand is only present in one species. Honestly, where do you get your kicks? Do you enjoy forcing your beliefs from the great 'God who made everything' onto people? I don't enjoy arguing with people who refuse to listen to reason.