Heres my entry for Livvy-Asthetics!!


Heres my entry for Livvy-Asthetics!! ❄️❄️❄️

11 1
this is so cute I love it 🤩♥️♥️♥️❄️
thx for the follow I love your collages :)
yeah so first you have to save the collage to your library (your camera roll) then you go to the collage that you want to remix it to. you go into remixes and press tap to remix. then you get the collage that you are remixing. get rid of everything on that collage. once you have done that go into photos and select your collage. then double tap on your collage and press set to background. press done and you have remixed your collage!!! hop that helps ♥️xxx
tysm! its helped
no problem 😉♥️
omg thank you 💖💖💖💖
this is super cute tooooo btw
your welcome
tyy i hope i win!!💞💞💞
what do you mean
found it
nothing I forget what I was going to say
I will remix and you will see
ohh lol okay and yes found it ill do it later tonight!💞