✨☘ C L I C K ☘✨

There's no butterfly emoji! They have EVERYTHING but a butterfly!! Agghhhh

I swear Tink is one of my favourite OUAT characters. 

who ships Pan and Tink? πŸ™‹πŸΌ


✨☘ C L I C K ☘✨ There's no butterfly emoji! They have EVERYTHING but a butterfly!! Agghhhh I swear Tink is one of my favourite OUAT characters. who ships Pan and Tink? πŸ™‹πŸΌ

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that's fine. thank you
you have an epic page!!!!
hey this is forever_joy, this is my second account!
thank you so much, I'm already starting to feel betterπŸ˜„πŸ˜Š
Yesss I'm LOVIN it πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ’• How you doing love? ☺️
I'm doing eh as well πŸ˜‚πŸ’• Just had finals and stuff that's stressful and getting ready for MORE finals tomorrow
OMG YOUR HOMESCHOOLED?? πŸ˜±πŸ’•πŸ’• I was homeschooled to before I went to highschool! Honestly homeschooling is the best πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‚, but please tell me what's wrongπŸ˜• If you'd rather not talk about it, but sometimes it's just nice to get whatever you're feeling out you know?πŸ’•
Gurl. You think YOUR overdramatic? You haven't seen me yetπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’• Whatever it is that's bothering you bothers me ok? I don't care if it's because you got angry at a bee that stung you or something it matters! πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸπŸ’•πŸ’• I'm all ears πŸ˜‰πŸ‘‚πŸ»
I looked up fan art of katniss Everdeen🏹
Hate you? You've got it all wrong!! (I know you're going to hate this but here it comes) They do love you. Think about this, if they DIDNT love you, they wouldn't care if you tried to hurt yourself, they would be like "just go ahead" But the proof that they do love you is that they are angry (here me out now) Just put yourself in their shoes! They must be so scared, confused, and a little bit angry at themselves.. What you see as hate is actually just them being very concerned for you! I'm dead serious!
It must be a confusing time for all of you... But I assure you, whatever is going on... Once you get through this storm, you're going to look back and see that people did care, especially your family..
Hmm.. That could be a problem... what are you going through...? πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸ’•
Self hate huh... Oh hun... I know people have probably told you "oh you're beautiful just the way you are" "oh it's what the inside that counts" but it really is so true. I used to look at myself and thought I was a monster.. I had so many skin issues and on top of it so much pain it was literally unbearable. But it changed.. It took 4 long years of trial end error, finding the right nutritionists, going to doctors everywhere to find a cure.. I finally started eating better, I started changing for the better, I looked better felt better and felt more confident, I stopped talking the drugs the doctors gave me and started lifting myself up on my own by juicing and dieting and I got better. My face looked more pretty than ever.. Oh gosh.. I'm sorry if I digressed I must be boring you... 😞😰 My point is, whatever you think about yourself being ugly is a lie. That beautiful girl is there, maybe my story can show you that even a person like me who used to be ugly became pretty will inspire you that there's a girl there that beautiful now matter what
Wow that's really weird I've felt the same way too! πŸ˜₯ I see other girls with prettier faces, bigger chests, cuter personalities.. It makes me feel like a potato too!! πŸ˜‚πŸ€“πŸ˜•πŸ’• But guess what? what keeps me going is that I know deep down that there's a guy even better out there who's going to love me for my insides instead of my face πŸ’•
Yes call me Brook! πŸ˜‚πŸ’•πŸ’• Gurl. There are literally MILLIONS of boys out there how are looking for a girl, you know guys have feeling and look at girls for their insides too believe it or not πŸ˜‚πŸ’• Honestly, if we want to get real with things it doesn't matter how pretty you are. If you don't have that radiant personality that shines, you're not going to get da boy. No seriously, it's the girls with the pretty personalities not the pretty faces that get the good quality boy. I have some friends who are pretty homely looking, but they all have boyfriends!! Me on the other hand, I'm just a potato with my personality, that why I don't have one πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
The thing is, isn't it better to wait for the perfect guy who will treat you like a queen, than have other BFs as a kid who will date you for a month, pretend to love you (they might even believe they do themselves) and go through all that heartbreak? Wait. I'm serious, it's the people who are patient who get the biggest prize in the end πŸ’•
Omg I KNOW. It is LEGIT SO hard to find a Christian, cute, perf boy in this society. It's funny because there was this boy that a crush on for YEARS. He was so. Cute. (Ok this is embarrassing but I trust youπŸ˜‚) I literally was PRAYING to God one day at the park that I would marry him someday. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Now that I look back (I don't have a crush on him anymore) I see that God has a different plan for me. often we let our emotions make us think that we know what we live in guys, but God really knows what we want. That's why he's making you wait. πŸ’• He has a better plan in store for you, maybe his plan is for you do be with this guy in the future! What we really need to do is trust in what HE wants, you can't go wrong with that can you? πŸ˜‰
SAME!! All my friends just laughed when I said I was going to save my kiss for marriage!!πŸ˜’ Keep yourself pure that kiss will be.. Just amazing if you save it. If you kiss all those other guys, that final kiss on your wedding day won't be as special won't it? And don't you want to save your best for your husband? πŸ™‚πŸ’• Oi, you're not alone!! πŸ’•πŸ’•
Anyway, love, you're not alone. So many girls are concerned about they look, never think they're good enough. So many girls are just dying to have the guy of their dreams but feel like they can't. All in due time, you'll find him, you'll learn to love yourself as God loves you. Give it all to him. All they hate you feel toward yourself, all the despair, give it to him. He's got big shoulders πŸ˜‰πŸ’• And I'll always be here too. I'll be praying for you tonight, sweet dreams! Love ya to the moon and back πŸ˜œβ˜ΊοΈπŸ’•πŸ’•
Maxon is Bae 😍
hey. I met him before you did and I'm older too so, I think I'm the one calling dibs here. 😈