Collage by snazzyphan


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I feel so bad for you (take no offense Caroline's friends, but you have really bad taste in music) my friends don't even know what paramore is haha
I'm trying too hard to tell them that they have horrible taste in music but It's not WoRkInG. No take offense friends it's true you have terrible taste in music.
haha yeah the only bands that I listen to that my friends know are tøp (you know, the radio hits) halsey, (because of the chainsmokers blech) and blink-182 (only because of the lyric "stay and play that blink-182 song" from that chainsmokers song again - they've never listened to blink)
at least one of my friends knows all the words to mr. brightside so there's a bit of hope (I heard her singing it the other day and just busted out in song)