For Sam_Rana.  Random


For Sam_Rana. Random

49 0
omg thanks!😘
Could you please make me an icon? This is amazing!
Icon contest on my page!
hey, what do u search up to find that mandala I'm stuck making icons with a black mandala!! can u help me? 😘😜
look on your remix. if you don't like search Pinterest or we heart it
how did u get that white flower? what did u search up? I have no clue and I'm hopeless!!!
look on Pinterest under Mandela it will show you many things just tap on one you like and others will come up. I will help you. the flower was already on another one . I will send you some backgrounds ok?πŸ’–πŸŒΉ
I remixed a few on your page hope it helpsπŸ’–πŸŒΉ