


21 0
So true
too trueπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
love this! soooooo true!!!! watched 2 episodes of Shadowhunters last night!!!!!!!
you on??????????
heyo! do you watch Shadowhunters?
heyo!! you watch Shadowhunters don't you?
Alberto is soooooooooo good for Simon!!!!
DOM?????????? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚really??? weird! I don't really like home for Jace......!
😱😱😱he looks sooo different!!!!
I'm so used to seeing him blond! I hate Hodge!!!! he's to yooooouuunnngggg!
nope! I don't like him with brown hair!
I know!!! poor Hugo! and the Institute is too modern! me and my friends just dissed the whole thing!πŸ˜‚
I don't think he is!
who's your fav in the series? have you seen the CoB movie?
😫and where did that Maureen person come from? Maureen is a 13 bloodthirsty thing!
who do you like??? who's your fav?
Jamie was an amazing Jace!!!!!❀️ and I think that Matt is a good Alec!
TV!! Alec is the movie was sooooo bad!
and in the TV we can't forget MAGNUS!!!! Harry is great for him!!!!
ye! the 'dude from the film' was waaaaaaaaayyyyy to old to play Alec!!
ik! and it's rated 15 over here??!! their Seraph Blades are too like Lightsabers!
all in all ya! tho Hodge and Jace are better in the movie!
ik! it looks weird! and also when they kill the demons they like expose in weird orange blocks?! where did the get that idea???
Ireland!!! so we're close!
ik! and it's a family show in the US!!!
it kinda looks weird tho! have to go now! fooooood! but I'll be on soon!!
I will thx!
I'm back!!!! you still here??
heyyy! did you know you can message people on Goodreads?!
it's quite cool! tell me when you get the app so I can message you!!!
have you got the app???
good morning!!! you on?
hey!!! how are you?
did you get the app?
πŸ˜‚es okay! almost finished CoHF???
yes!!! they're sooooo good! where are you in CoHF?
don't we all!! what books are on that list? any you'd recommend??
woooow! lot of books!
and so is Saving Raphael Santiago!!!!πŸ’ž
Lady Midnight is great!!!! and can't wait for Lord of Shadows!!! and Cassie's new series out in November!!! and the series coming out in 2018!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I've read it so many times! trust me it's amazing!!!πŸ’™
the series is called The Last Hours and the first one is Chain of Thorns (2018!)
it's like a continuing on from TID- like the next generation!πŸ’šπŸ˜±πŸ˜«
yup!!! it's like the people from TID's decedents and all that!
yup! it's set in like 1890 or something like that!!
start down the countdown till 2018!!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I always do that!! it hurts!
I'm still in bed! lazy me!πŸ˜‚
yes!! and then the rips are like huuuuuge and you can't wear the jeans any more!!
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚me too!
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I don't really want to get up! quite comfy here listening to music!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
so is mine!!! I have to clean it today tho!😫
effort! that's why I'd love to be a wizard! just wave your wand and 'bam!!' your room is clean!
πŸ˜‚what cha listing to?
P!ATD's album name!!!! Beati Bellicsi!!!!!!!! Blessed are the warriors!! just like the Praetor Lupus!
😍I love this song!😍
ohhhh! I was like COINCIDENCE!!!!! mine is called 'Better in Black'
cooooooool!!! you like FOB???
what's your fave FOB song?
yeees!!! I have like so many fav songs of theirs!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
β€’Alone Together β€’Immortals β€’I Know What your Songs did in the Darkness β€’Twin Skeletons (Hotel in NYC) β€’American Beauty/American Physco
Alone Together is really good! any P!ATD songs you'd recommend???
and get the appppp!
I'll go listen to some of them soon..... where are you in CoHF?????????????
listening to Centuries!!! do you like Ed Sheeran?
looooove Ed!!!! his new album is amazing!
πŸ˜‚okey! have you read Demon Road?
eh it's okay! it gets kinda annoying after a while tho!
you should read Demon Road!!
sowwy!!! have to go now! ttyl?!
He was! He was Mike Chang